Try These Tricks to Free Up More Screen Real Estate on a Mac

Try These Tricks to Free Up More Screen Real Estate on a Mac

Are you constantly trying to maximize your screen space on your Mac? Here are some tips and tricks to help you free up more screen real estate:

  1. Use the split view feature to display two apps side by side.
  2. Hide the dock when not in use to create more space at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Minimize windows when you’re not actively using them.
  4. Use full screen mode for apps that support it.
  5. Organize your desktop by using folders to reduce clutter.
  6. Decrease the size of the menu bar by going to System Preferences > General > Use dark menu bar and Dock.
  7. Close unnecessary tabs in your web browser to free up memory.
  8. Utilize mission control to easily switch between full-screen apps.
  9. Disable transparency effects in System Preferences > Accessibility > Display.
  10. Utilize hot corners to quickly access different features on your Mac.

By implementing these tricks, you can maximize your Mac’s screen real estate and create a more productive workspace.

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